Gateau à la mangue-Mango cake

We have had-again- a great harvest of sweet mangoes from our tree this year, so I am always looking for ways to use them up. After making  jam, slaw, salsa, compote, I am now moving on to a cake. It’s very easy to make, just mix everything in the same dish that goes into the oven.

2 big eggs or 3 small ones

120g sugar –3/4 cup

150g flour –1 1/4 cup

1 tsp baking powder —

vanilla powder to taste

4 tbs butter, melted

3 ripe mangoes, flesh removed and cut up.

2 tbs rum

Cook the mango flesh (should make about 400g) with rum and 1/4 cup of the sugar, until very soft.Mash up to make up a puree and let cool.

Preheat the oven to 350F-375F depending on your oven. In an oven proof  bowl, mix the flour, leftover sugar (1/2 cup) baking powder, vanilla, then eggs and butter. Add the pureed mangoes and mix well.

This goes into the oven for about 40 min. Check doneness with a knife.

Ingrédients (pour 6 personnes) :
– 3 oeufs petits
– 120 g de sucre
– 150 g de farine
– 1/2 sachet de levure
– vanille en poudre
– 50 g de beurre fondu
– 400g de chair de mangues en cubes

-2 càs de rhum

Préparation :

Faire cuire les mangues avec 40g de sucre et 2 càs de rhum, jusqu’à ce qu’on puisse en faire une purée. Laisser refroidir, Mélanger tous les ingrédients dont la purée de mangues, la farine etc., dans le moule, mettre au four (non-préchauffé), à 180-200°C (thermostat 6-7)pour 30-40 min. environ. Tester la cuisson avec la pointe d’un couteau.

About Théine

I love tea, high tea and the sweets that go with it ;-) J'aime le thé, le gouter de 4h et les douceurs qui vont avec...
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1 Response to Gateau à la mangue-Mango cake

  1. Emily says:

    You have a mango tree?! I’m so jealous! Your cake looks amazing.

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